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2021 was a very different year but we are reminded that it did not take God by surprise. It's now 2022 and we are excited to see where God takes us this year.

We are booking now and would love to come and worship with your church family. 

In His Grip and in His service, ALL by His grace,

Tammy, J.T., Chris and Jimmy


Soul Harvest has been ministering locally through song and personal testimony since 1997. We feel God has given each of us a talent and that He expects us to use it to the fullest capacity possible to further His Kingdom. Each member must be saved, have a personal relationship and heart knowledge of Jesus Christ. Each member, when not on the road ministering, is active in their individual churches. We travel and leave our families to share the gospel and love of Jesus to all who will listen. We feel it is our calling to cultivate the hearts of the people, to prepare the soil, through song, so the seeds that may be planted by the scriptures and testimonies that follow may be easily planted and received. Our goal is to tell as many people as we possibly can about the forgiveness, love and grace that God bestows upon the people who believe in Him so that they may have the opportunity to come to know Christ as their personal savior.

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